Here you will find the directions from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to our school.
By train
Plan journey via Google Maps or 9292.
By bus
Plan journey via Google Maps or 9292.
From Haarlem Central Station
by bus: take bus 2, 3, 73 (direction Spaarnwoude station) to Nassaulaan or bus 300 (direction Bijlmer ArenA) to Centrum/Verwulft ​
by foot: (850 m, approximately 12 minutes):
↑ Head west on Kennemerplein, towards Kruisweg
60 m
↰ Turn left heading to Kruisweg
↑ Stay on Kruisweg crossing Kruisbrug
↑ Continue onto Kruisstraat
220 m
↑ Continue onto Barteljorisstraat
140 m
↑ Continue onto Grote Markt
60 m
↑ Continue onto Koningsstraat
40 m
↱ Turn right onto Jacobijnestraat
80 m
You have arrived!
Walking from bus stop Nassaulaan (4 min walk)
↑ Head southwest on Nassaulaan heading Slagerspoort
120 m
↑ Continue onto Gedempte Oude Gracht
130 m
↰ Turn left onto Jacobijnestraat
100 m
You have arrived!
Walking from bus stop Centrum/Verhulst (3 min walk)
↑ Head north on Gedempte Oude Gracht
120 m
↱ Turn right onto Jacobijnestraat
100 m
You have arrived!
Email us if you have any questions hospitalityhmun@gmail.com!
We wish you a nice and safe trip!
Ensuring the return of ancient and cultural artifacts from former colonizers
Protecting cultural sites in warzones
Improving inclusivity in climate change policies regarding albinism and other disabilities