On this page, you can find some downloads that could be really useful for you. For example when helping your delegates prepare themselves (if you are a MUN-director), or getting prepared yourself, it doesn’t really matter, you can find it here.
Provisional Program of Events HMUN 2022
Wondering what is going to happen during the conference?
This letter contains all the information you need to know as a MUN-Director.
Beginning Delegates Presentation
Are you a beginning delegate? This might be a useful PowerPoint presentation for you. (to be announced)
Are you a beginning delegate? This might be a useful booklet for you.
The rules of procedure are important to know for everyone. During the debate, Chairs will expect you to know them and follow them. Of course, you don’t have to be able to repeat it literally, but making sure you can follow them will help you a lot during the conference. Also good for MUN-directors to know.
Opening Speeches Secretaries-General 2023
Did you find the opening speeches of our SG's inspiring? Want to take another look?
Opening speech Celeste de Jong
Opening speech Pieter van Lelijveld
Ensuring the return of ancient and cultural artifacts from former colonizers
Protecting cultural sites in warzones
Improving inclusivity in climate change policies regarding albinism and other disabilities