About HMUN
Haarlem Model United Nations is a non-profit organisation run by students of the Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem. For over twenty years, we have organised a conference that is attended by about 600 students from all over the world.
“Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities.” – Wikipedia
During a MUN conference, students will roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. The participants will be assigned countries, or occasionally a non-governmental organisation /other political entity, to represent in various committees, councils and assemblies, similar to the ones of the real United Nations. The delegates are responsible for taking on the views of the country or organisation they are representing, and it is up to them to make sure they keep that policy.
Delegates will solve the issues on the agenda by lobbying, followed by making resolutions. Once a resolution has been submitted, it will be debated by the committee and can be amended. This can be done by the delegates, who send in amendments to add, change or strike clauses. The amendments will then in turn be debated and will be voted upon afterwards. Once the debating time for the resolution has elapsed, the committee will vote on the resolution as a whole.
No ‘real’ actions will be taken as a result of the produced resolutions. However, a MUN conference can serve as a great learning opportunity and a MUN-weekend can also be a lot of fun as there is the possibility to become friends with interesting people from all over the world.
About the conference
HMUN is a three-day conference that is attended by about 600 students from all over the world and its twenty-eight annual session will take place at the Stedelijk Gymnasium in Haarlem from the 4th till the 6th April, 2025.
The students organising the conference are known as the Executive Staff. The Executive Staff of HMUN 2024 consists of twenty-seven students of the Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem and is composed of fifteen different positions. These students are led and instructed by the Secretariat, which is made up of the Secretaries-General and the five Deputies Secretary-General. The Secretariat and the rest of the Staff are directed as well, by five teachers from the Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem, known as the Board of Directors. These teachers are very enthusiastic about Model United Nations, and of great value for MUN in our school.
Furthermore, our Executive Staff is responsible for the guidance of our delegates to other conferences. Together, they help the delegates to get ready for upcoming conferences.
Along with the Executive Staff and the Board of Directors, there are three other notable teams affiliated with HMUN. These teams are the Content Team, the Hospitality Team and the Press Team. The Content Team organises and creates the Crisis, which will take place in the ad-hoc committees on the last day of HMUN. The Hospitality Team is in charge of making sure the stay of the guests attending our school is as enjoyable as can be. The Press Team commands the HMUN Chronicle and will keep all guests updated about the conference via its social media accounts. Once the conference starts, they will be interviewing delegates, writing articles and taking pictures.
About this year’s theme
Shaping our future: Innovating systems to meet a changing reality
For more information click here
Ensuring the return of ancient and cultural artifacts from former colonizers
Protecting cultural sites in warzones
Improving inclusivity in climate change policies regarding albinism and other disabilities